  • 济南molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits 5141
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    molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits
    型 号:5141
    品 牌:美国福禄克FLUKE
    技术指标:Maximum working measurement line pressure  600 kPa (87 psi) absolute
    济南molbox RFM Gas Flow Calibrator Kits-5141-美国福禄克FLUKE

    High end gas flow calibration made simple

    Fluke Calibration 5141, 5142 and 5144 molbox RFM gas flow calibrator kits feature molbox RFM and molbloc-L configurations optimized to cover a very wide workload combined with molstic-L and other interconnect hardware needed for a complete calibration system. Simply supply 90 psi of pure N2 or air to the system. An included regulator delivers a stable regulated flow to the molbloc. Downstream of the molbloc, an included metering valve allows you to regulate the mass flow value required for the DUT. It’s that simple; supply 90 psi gas upstream, tare the reading, and adjust the fine metering valve to deliver the desired mass flow rate with an accuracy of ± 0.5 % of reading. Fluke Calibration gas flow calibrator kits eliminate complication, but don’t compromise molbox/molbloc best in class performance.

    ·          Flow ranges cover from 1 sccm to 50 slm

    ·         ± 0.5 % of reading total one-year accuracy

    ·         Measures mass and volume flow with user settable reference pressure and temperature conditions

    ·         Reference standard is upstream of the device under test, eliminating cross contamination and expensive damage to the flow elements

    ·         Integrated gas flow regulation and adjustment hardware

    ·         Expandable to over 5000 slm with additional molbloc flow elements and control hardware

    ·         Includes traceable calibration for operation in N2 and Air, with corrections for other gases

    ·         Gas supply and test adapters included for 1/4 in tube, 1/4 in NPT and 1/4 in BSP

    ·         Includes advanced functions such as totalize, average, hi/lo, deviation, on-board purge, leak test and tare, available from the front control panel or by RS-232 and IEEE-488 remote interfaces

    A new standard in high end gas flow calibration

    Fluke Calibration revolutionized high end gas flow calibration with the introduction of molbox/ molbloc mass flow standards. molbox/molbloc systems have replaced large, inflexible, error prone volumetric piston provers and bell provers with a compact, easy to use, versatile digital standard. molbox/molbloc systems are the standard of choice for high end calibration labs and mass flow device manufacturers around the world. Improvements offered by molbox/molbloc include:

    ·         True mass flow calibration and traceability— no corrections from volumetric to mass

    ·         Real-time digital mass flow indication, loaded with features—easily automated

    ·         No moving parts—uninterrupted gas flow measurement, no fluctuations from piston stroke

    ·         Flexibility to be positioned upstream or downstream— can calibrate at many line pressures

    ·         Modular components allows future upgrade and expansion

    ·         Very wide range with small footprint—no flow straightening hardware required

     Whether your requirement is manual calibration of a simple variable area flow meter (rotameter) or fully automated calibration of a mass flow controller (MFC), molbox/molbloc systems offer the ideal solution. A molbox RFM with one or more molbloc flow elements can cover a wide range of flow calibration devices with total one-year measurement uncertainty of ± 0.5 % of reading. If your needs change, molbloc flow elements can be added, with models covering flows from 1 sccm to over 5000 slm (175 scfm). If better measurement uncertainty is needed, the same flow elements can be used with molbox1+ to achieve accuracy as good as ± 0.125 % of reading.

    Measurement specifications

    Gas calibration included

    Nitrogen (N2), Air

    Maximum working measurement line pressure

    600 kPa (87 psi) absolute

    Measurement range

    <1sccm to 50 slm, depending on model. Flow ranges depend on test gas. Ranged indicated for N2 and Air.





    molbox RFM, molbloc 5E1-L 10 to 100 sccm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E1-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM, molbloc 5E2-L 100 to 1,000 sccm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E2-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM, molbloc 5E3-L 1 to 10 slm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E3-L laminar flow element

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM, molbloc 3E4-L 5 to 50 slm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 3E4-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM-M, molbloc 5E2-L 10 to 1,000 sccm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E2-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM-M, molbloc 5E3-L 0.1 to 10 slm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E3-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM-M, molbloc 3E4-L 0.5 to 50 slm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 3E4-L laminar flow element 

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male



    molbox RFM-M, molblocs 5E2-L and 3E4-L10 sccm to 50 slm


    ·        molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual

    ·        molbloc 5E2-L and 3E4-L laminar flow elements

    ·        molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L

    ·        Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male


    电话:0532-83812497 83821263
    传真:0532-88786387 网址:www.3017.cn
    青岛东方嘉仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号