中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所与社会科学文献出版社2022年12月13日共同发布的《经济蓝皮书:2023年中国经济形势分析与预测》预计,2023年中国经济增长5.1%左右,呈现进一步复苏态势。具体到地方层面,24座万亿GDP城市中,2023年GDP增速目标,济南是5.5%以上。除济南GDP增速目标与上年持平外,其余5座城市2023年GDP增速目标较上年均有所下调。不过,复苏仍是2023年经济的主旋律,相较于2022年GDP实际表现,2023年的目标仍是乐观的。数据显示,从2022年地区生产总值总量来看,济南预计超过1.2万亿元。 山东大学教学仪器设备 济南大学 山东建筑大学 齐鲁工业大学科学器材 山东第一医科大学 山东中医药大学 山东师范大学 山东财经大学 山东体育学院 山东艺术学院 山东工艺美术学院 山东交通学院 山东女子学院 山东政法学院 齐鲁师范学院 山东青年政治学院 山东管理学院 山东农业工程学院 山东英才学院 山东现代学院 山东协和学院 山东工程职业技术大学 山东财经大学燕山学院 齐鲁理工学院高校实验室 山东商业职业技术学院 山东电力高等专科学校 山东职业学院 山东劳动职业技术学院实验室配置 莱芜职业技术学院 济南职业学院实验设备 济南工程职业技术学院 山东电子职业技术学院教学专用 山东旅游职业学院 山东城市建设职业学院 山东传媒职业学院 济南幼儿师范高等专科学校 济南护理职业学院 山东特殊教育职业学院课程教学 山东圣翰财贸职业学院 山东杏林科技职业学院 山东艺术设计职业学院 |
PRTs for laboratory freezers, autoclaves, and furnaces · 5606: -200 °C to 160 °C · Calibration accuracy of ± 0.05 °C · Transition junction and lead wires can withstand full PRT temperature range · Unique probe seal of 5606 prevents ingress of moisture · Calibration not included; NVLAP-accredited calibration optional The 5606 Full Immersion PRTs are designed to perform in extreme environments where both the transition junction and the lead wires are required to withstand temperatures covering the entire operating range of the probe. (“Immersion” in this case simply means exposure to temperatures other than ambient and does not necessarily refer to the medium to which the PRT and its components are subjected.) Applications where “full immersion” of probe, transition junction, and lead wire is required can include calibration or validation of sensors used in laboratory or bio freezers, walk-in refrigerators, autoclaves, ovens, stability test chambers, furnaces or incubators. Other applications might include IQ/ OQ/PQ qualification procedures, temperature mapping, or data logging in temperature controlled spaces or environmental chambers. The 5606 is just two inches (50 mm) in length with a sheath diameter of 1/8 inch (3.1 mm). Since it can be fully immersed over its entire temperature range, you don’t have to worry about calculating minimum immersion depth— immerse the entire probe, transition junction, and lead wires, in either non-corrosive liquids or dry mediums ranging from –200 °C to 160 °C. The 100 Ω precision sensing element (alpha = 0.00385) is specially constructed to prevent the ingress of moisture while achieving calibration accuracies as good as ± 0.05 °C. You get both accuracy and flexibility built into a small, durable package. The lead wires of the 5606 are made of single-conductor enameled copper wire which prevents moisture from wicking to the sensing element as it would if a more common, stranded lead wire were used. The diameter of the lead wire is no greater than 0.2 mm, making it easy to run lead wires through a freezer door to your readout or transmitter with effectively zero energy loss. The 5606 has been proven in common heat transfer fluids such as silicone oil, mineral oil, ethanol, and even liquid nitrogen with no degradation of the transition junction seal or lead wire insulation. If you need longer lead wire than the standard length, call one of our Application Specialists today for a free quote. They can also help you determine which readout and probe termination are best suited for your application or help you select the right calibration for your probe.
[1] Includes calibration and 100 hr drift (k = 2).
地址:山东省青岛市李沧区万年泉路237号中海国际广场2507 电话:0532-83812497 83821263 传真:0532-88786387 网址:www.3017.cn 青岛东方嘉仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号 |