  • 济南红外热像仪 FLIR A310 ex
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    当前位置:首页 > 济南仪器仪表 > 济南环境检测仪器 > 济南红外热像仪
    型 号:FLIR A310 ex
    品 牌:美国FLIR
    技术指标:范围:–20 to +120°C (–4 to +248°F) 0 to +350°C (+32 to +662°F)
    济南红外热像仪-FLIR A310 ex-美国FLIR

    Fully compliant with ATEX regulations

    Use the power of thermal imaging in hazardous locations.

    Explosive atmospheres need to be protected from ignition sources by selecting equipment and protective systems which meet the requirements of the ATEX Product Regulations or similar regulations.

    FLIR A310 ex is an ATEX compliant solution, with a thermal imaging camera mounted in an enclosure, making it possible to monitor critical and other valuable assets also in explosive atmospheres. Process monitoring, quality control and fire detection in potentially explosive locations are typical applications for the A310 ex.

    FLIR A310 ex Thermal Camera Features

    A310ex schema
    1. Heater
    2. Sensors for temperature, air humidity, voltage & pressure
    3. Power supply: 24V DC
    4. 2 SFP ports for fiber optic, 100 Base-FX or copper ethernet
    5. ATEX compliant housing

    Learn more about the FLIR A310, the thermal imaging camera inside FLIR A310 ex.

    Flame-Proof Enclosure “d”

    Prevents any explosion transmission from the inside of the enclosure to the outside.

    For use in harsh environments: IP67

    The FLIR A310 ex is IP67 rated. Ideal to install in dusty environments.

    Integrated controller

    The integrated controller features several digital I/O channels and sensors for temperature, humidity and pressure. Among other functions, the I/O channels enable the user to switch on/off the camera and the heater via remote control. The access is accomplished through an integrated web interface or Modbus TCP/IP.

    Flexible integration

    The integrated controller is equipped with 2 fiber optic and 2 Ethernet parts. This enables a flexible network integration in star or ring topologies.


    FLIR A310 ex comes with a heater which effectively prevents fogging and freezing of the protection window.

    Plug and play installation

    FLIR A310 ex is lightweight and the entire system is delivered ready for use.

    Verification Certificate ZELM 12 ATEX 0485 X

    The FLIR A310 ex is ATEX certified. It can be installed in classification zones 1, 2, 21, 22.

    The certification comprises the whole system which includes the enclosure as well as all components inside, such as the thermal imaging camera, heater and integrated controller.

    Learn more about the FLIR A310, the thermal imaging camera inside FLIR A310 ex.

    FLIR A310 ex Technical Specifications

    General Data
    Ambient temperature range for operation –20°C to +40°C (-4°F to 104°F)
    Protection class IP67
    Weight 6.7 kg (without camera and lens)
    Empty volume 5.06 l
    External dimensions (without sun shield) D = 170 mm, L = 408 mm
    Housing material / Surface Nickel-plated aluminium / Powder coated
    Protection window Germanium, double-sided AR Coated, externally with additional hard-carbon layer
    Maximum power of the additional heater 16 W
    Operating voltage 24 V DC
    Maximum electric connection power 60 W
    Power cable / Power cable configuration Helukabel 37264 / Pigtail
    Length of power cable 4 m (13 ft.)
    Integrated controller 4-port switch with 2 × fiber-optic LC 100Base-FX or 2 × RJ45(10/100) up-links, ring-topology support for reduced cabling effort, 2 × internal temperature sensors, air humidity and pressure sensor, digital output module controllable via Modbus TCP/IP or web interface to enable turning the heater on/off
    Ethernet medium Multi-mode breakout fiber AT-V(ZN)Y(ZN)Y 4G50/125 OM2
    Length of Ethernet cable 4 m (13 ft.)
    Ethernet, configuration Pigtail with FC-connector
    Explosion protection-specific data
    For use in EX zone 1, 2, 21, and 22
    Ignition protection category Flame-proof enclosure “d”
    Maximum surface temperature (according to temperature class T6) Maximum 85°C
    ATEX certification (version -AXC) EX-Protection Gas: II 2G Ex d IIC T6 Gb, EX-Protection Dust: II 2D Ex tb IIC T85° Db
    Verification certificate ZELM 12 ATEX 0485 X
    Imaging and optical data
    IR resolution 320 × 240 pixels
    Thermal sensitivity/NETD < 0.05°C @ +30°C (+86°F) / 50 mK
    Field of view (FOV) / Focal length 25° × 18.8° with 18 mm (0.7 in.) lens or 45° × 33.8° with 9.66 mm (0.38 in.) lens
    Minimum focus distance 0.4 m (1.31 ft.)
    Spatial resolution (IFOV) 1.36 mrad with 25° lens or 2.59 mrad with 45° lens
    Lens identification Automatic
    F-number 1.3
    Image frequency 30 Hz
    Focus Automatic or manual (built in motor)
    Zoom 1–8× continuous, digital, interpolating zooming on images
    Detector data
    Detector type Focal Plane Array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
    Spectral range 7.5–13 μm
    Detector pitch 25 μm
    Detector time constant Typical 12 ms
    Object temperature range –20 to +120°C (–4 to +248°F) 0 to +350°C (+32 to +662°F)
    Accuracy ±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading
    Measurement analysis
    Spotmeter 10
    Area 10 boxes with max./min./average/position
    Isotherm 1 with above/below/interval
    Measurement option Measurement Mask Filter Schedule response: File sending (ftp), email (SMTP)
    Difference temperature Delta temperature between measurement functions or reference temperature
    Reference temperature Manually set or captured from any measurement function
    Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on inputs for distance, atmospheric temperature and relative humidity
    Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
    Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0
    Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on input of reflected temperature
    External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on input of optics/window transmission and temperature
    Measurement corrections Global and individual object parameters
    Alarm functions 6 automatic alarms on any selected measurement function, Digital In, Camera temperature, timer
    Alarm output Digital Out, log, store image, file sending (ftp), email (SMTP), notification
    Color palettes Color palettes (BW, BW inv, Iron, Rain)
    Set-up commands Date/time, Temperature°C/°F
    Storage of images
    Storage media Built-in memory for image storage
    File formats Standard JPEG, 16-bit measurement data included
    Ethernet Control, result and image
    Ethernet, type / standard 100 Mbps / IEEE 802.3
    Ethernet, configuration Pigtail with FC-connector (fiber)
    Ethernet, communication TCP/IP socket-based FLIR proprietary
    Ethernet, video streaming MPEG-4, ISO/IEC 14496-1 MPEG-4 ASP@L5
    Ethernet, image streaming 16-bit 320 × 240 pixels @ 7-8 Hz - Radiometric
    Ethernet, protocols Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP, TCP, UDP, SNTP, RTSP, RTP, HTTP, ICMP, IGMP, ftp, SMTP, SMB (CIFS), DHCP, MDNS (Bonjour), uPnP
    Shipping information
    Infrared camera with lens, in explosion-proof housing, cardboard box, Printed documentation, User documentation CD-ROM, Utility CD-ROM

    电话:0532-83812497 83821263
    传真:0532-88786387 网址:www.3017.cn
    青岛东方嘉仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号