  • 铜仁热成像相机 T640
  • 电子测量基础(三)
  • 数字式频率特性测试仪的设计
  • 仅用万用表作为检测工具的集成电路的检测方法
  • 逻辑分析仪向网络化测试领域发展
  • TDS3000B型数字荧光示波器在视频安装和排障中的应用
  • 电子天平的正确使用与维护
  • 噪音计的正确选择及应用
  • 风速仪的历史和由来
  • 如何进行汽车噪音检测
  • 当前位置:首页 > 铜仁仪器仪表 > 铜仁环境检测仪器 > 铜仁红外热像仪
    型 号:T640
    品 牌:美国FLIR
    技术指标:Accuracy +/-2°C (+/-3.6°F) or +/-2% of reading, whichever is greater, at 25°C (77°F) nominal

    为确保设备可靠运行,您需要能够帮助您快速查找和报告问题的故障排除工具。这正是 FLIR 红外相机不可或缺的原因所在。FLIR 红外相机能够使您尽早察觉由电阻和机械磨损产生的不可见热量,以助您防范代价高昂的停机时间和潜在危险。在所有热像仪产品中,T 系列产品是您捕捉和分享结果最轻松、最快捷的选择,是释放 FLIR 能量的终极方案!


    FLIR 具有最强成像性能和精度的手持产品

    • 3 superior thermal imaging choices including 640 × 480 native resolution
    • Up to 1.2 MP thermal resolution with UltraMax™ – a 4× improvement for finer detail and  accuracy
    • MSX® enhancement that etches key visible details such as numbers, labels, etc. onto live, stored, and UltraMax thermal images for easier locating
    • Class-leading sensitivity as fine as <0.02°C for outstanding image quality and subtler thermal patterns
    • Temperature range calibrations up to 2,000°C for measuring the hottest targets最佳人体工程学
    • 覆盖所有角度 - 更快成像 - 工作更舒适

    T 系列相机具有无与伦比的灵活性,能够非常轻松地瞄准、聚焦和使用。

    • 旋转的聚光装置可上下旋转 120 度
    • 自动定向可切换屏幕数据为肖像视图或风景视图
    • 最快速的自动对焦、手动控制,以及更出色的精确成像



    借助无线途经或 FLIR 工具(PC 或 Mac 版)分享图像和嵌入表数据。

    • FLIR 工具移动应用程序可连接相机与移动设备,从而使您能够对现场热视频进行流处理、采取远程控制、分析存储的图像,并迅速通过电子邮件传送现场发现。
      FLIR MeterLink® 测试与测量工具可直接向相机传输可读数据,相机会在您捕获数据时存储辐射图像的数据,以用于报告中。
    • FLIR 工具报告软件还提供更多功能,可以将更多测量工具添加到图像中,生成深入的报告以及更新相机固件等。





    • 可更换长焦,广角和特写镜头
    • 额外的电池和充电器
    • 备用电缆和SD卡
    • 摄影包和疑难案件


    随时准备帮助您得到最出你的 T-系列

    • 专业的客户服务,以解决应用问题,并正确的满足您的需求
    • 技术支持,以帮助校准和其他维护维修
    • FLIR的独家2-5-10保修,可以帮助保护您的投资
    • ITC 从热成像培训的黄金标准的教育和认证

      T420 T440 T460 T600 T620 T640 T660
    Accuracy +/-2°C (+/-3.6°F) or +/-2% of reading, whichever is greater, at 25°C (77°F) nominal +/-1°C (+/-1.8°F) or +/-1% of reading for limited temperature range; ±2°C (±3.6°F) or 2%, whichever is greater, at 25°C (77°F) nominal +/-2°C (+/-3.6°F) or +/-2% of reading, whichever is greater, at 25°C (77°F) nominal +/-1°C (+/-1.8°F) or +/-1% of reading for limited temperature range; ±2°C (±3.6°F) or 2%, whichever is greater, at 25°C (77°F) nominal
    Thermal Resolution 76,800 
    (320 × 240)
    (480 × 360)
    (640 × 480)
    Thermal Sensitivity <0.04°C @ 30°C <0.03°C @ 30°C <0.04°C @ 30°C <0.03°C @ 30°C <0.02°C @ 30°C
    Temperature Range -4°F to 1,202°F (-20°C to 650°C) 
    Optional to 2,192°F (1,200°C)
    -4°F to 2,192°F 
    (-20°C to 1,200°C)
    -4°F to 2,732°F (-20°C to 1,500°C) -40°F to 1202°F 
    (-40°C to 650°C)
    -40°F to 1,202°F (-40°C to 650°C)
    Optional: to 3,632°F (2,000°C)
    -40°F to 3,632°F
    (-40°C to 2,000°C)
    Measurement Presets 7 presets: center spot; hot spot (box max); cold spot (box min); 3 spots; hot spot - spot (box max + spot + delta); hot spot - temperature (box max + ref temp + delta); no measurements 6 presets: center spot; hot spot (box max); cold spot (box min); no measurements; user preset 1; user preset 2
    UltraMax™ Included N/A Included
    User Presets  N/A Included
    Spot Mode 5 moveable 10 moveable
    Area Mode Included
    Profile N/A Included N/A Included
    Color Alarm (isotherm) Blue below, red above, yellow interval
    Frame Rate 60 Hz 30 Hz
    Field of View 25° × 19°
    Optional Lenses 6°, 15° Tele, 45° & 90° Wide; Close up: 100 μm, 50 μm 25°, 7° & 15° Tele, 45° & 80° Wide; Close up: 100 μm, 50 μm, 25 μm
    Focus Manual & Automatic Manual, Automatic, and Continuous
    Continuous Auto Focus N/A Included
    Min. Focus Distance 1.31 ft (0.4 m) 0.82 ft (0.25 m)
    Radiometric Recording N/A CSQ to memory card N/A CSQ to memory card
    Radiometric JPEG via USB Included
    Radiometric JPEG to SD Card Included
    MPEG4 to SD (non-radiometric IR) Included
    MPEG4 via USB (non-radiometric IR/Visual) Included
    Radiometric streaming via USB Included
    Display Size 3.5” 4.3”
    Touchscreen Standard Capacitive touch screen
    Auto Orientation Included
    MSX Thermal Image Enhancement Included
    Viewfinder N/A Included
    Color (Palettes) 7: Arctic, White hot, Black hot, Iron, Lava, Rainbow, and Rainbow High Contrast
    Battery Operating Time >4 hrs >2.5 hrs
    Built-in Digital Camera 3.1 MP 5 MP
    Built-in Illuminator LED Included
    Digital Zoom 2× and 4× 2×, 4× and 8× 2× and 4× 2×, 4× and 8×
    MeterLink® connectivity Included
    Laser Pointer + Laser Locator (on IR image) Included
    Compass Included N/A Included
    GPS N/A Included
    IR Window Correction Included
    Difference temperature/Delta T Included
    Picture in Picture Scalable & Moveable
    Notes Included
    Sketch on IR/Visual Image N/A Draw on screen or add predefined stamps
    Voice/Text Annotation Included
    FLIR Tools for PC and Mac Included
    FLIR Tools Mobile app (Wi-Fi) Included
    Streaming Video via app (Wi-Fi) Included
    Remote Control via app (Wi-Fi) Included
    Weight (including battery) 1.94 lbs (0.88 kg) 2.87 lbs (1.3 kg)


    www.3017.cn 铜仁热成像相机 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号