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A simple, complete gas calibration solution Fluke Calibration 6241 and 6242 PPC4E gas pressure controller kits feature PPC4E models to cover a very wide workload combined with the accessories needed for a complete calibration system. Included is the Fluke Calibration SPLT self-purging liquid trap to capture moisture in the test line and automatically purge to prevent contamination of the PPC4E, preventing errors and protecting your investment. Also included is interconnect hardware and a test station with a quick connect fitting to mount your pressure device to be tested. 6241 and 6242 kits provide the hardware for a complete gas calibration system. · Precise pressure measurement and automated control, with ranges available from ± 15 kPa to 14 MPa (± 2.2 psi to 2,000 psi) · Gauge, absolute and negative gauge (vacuum) modes included on most models · Switch between absolute, gauge and bidirectional gauge modes and meet easy-to-understand full-year measurement specifications without added hardware or special calibration or maintenance operations · ± 0.02 % one-year accuracy of any selected Autorange span, with Autorange span as low as 1 % of device full scale. Up to 100:1 accurate ± 0.02 % measure and control range turndown can truly be realized by a single calibrator · Self-purging liquid trap included to automatically protect PPC4E from system contamination · AutoTest™, AutoRange, ready/not ready indicator, set point jog feature, real-time measurement uncertainty display, RS-232 and IEEE-488.2 remote interfaces and other advanced features to automate, simplify testing, improve safety and prevent calibration errors and damage to equipment · Quick connect test stand and interconnect to connect to the device under test · Standard color graphical user interface with full support in 11 languages Outstanding, wide-range performance in a single instrument The Fluke Calibration PPC4E is the latest member of our PPC family of controller/ calibrators to deliver extremely broad pressure range coverage at a level of performance that addresses your most common calibration workload. Calibrate transmitters, transducers, pressure switches, indicators, barometers and analog and digital gauges with ease using the color graphical user interface and advanced features. PPC4E nominal measurement uncertainty is ± 0.02 % of AutoRanged span. The AutoRange feature allows you to quickly and easily align PPC4E performance to match your requirements exactly. Are you trying to decide if you can provide the best coverage if you buy a 300 psi or a 160 psi calibrator? What if you later need to calibrate a 200 psi device? With PPC4E it doesn’t matter—accuracy is based on any AutoRanged span you enter, as long as it is within the instrument’s turndown range: · PPC4E models, 10:1 turndown (0.02 % of any AutoRanged span down to 10 % of PPC4E full scale pressure span) · PPC4EX models, 100:1 turndown (0.02 % of any AutoRanged span down to 1 % of PPC4E full scale pressure span) What if you receive a barometer for calibration? …or a vacuum gauge? PPC4E is still the right tool. All models (except for PPC4E 15K) include absolute pressure and negative gauge (vacuum) capabilities. Some PPC4E models also provide excellent coverage of draft pressure (inches of water, mbar) ranges. With multiple pressure modes and very wide turndown capabilities, one PPC4E controller can effectively replace multiple controllers, calibrators or even gas deadweight testers and deadweight ball gauges. Move up to the well-known reliability and precision of a Fluke Calibration PPC4E pressure controller and enjoy great value and return on investment.
1. Maximum deviation of the RPT indication from the true value of applied pressure including precision, predicted one year stability limit, temperature effect and calibration uncertainty, combined and expanded (k=2) following the ISO “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement." 2. For AutoRange spans below the Minimum AutoRanged span uncertainty is equal to the value at the Minimum AutoRanged span. 3. Gauge uncertainty is a % of AutoRanged span. For example, an AutoRanged span of 3 500 kPa on model PPC4E 7M would have uncertainty of (0.02% * 3 500 kPa) = 0.35 kPa. 4. Absolute uncertainty is the sum of a % of AutoRanged span and a Constant that accounts for zero drift. For example, an AutoRanged span of 80 kPa on model PPC4EX 100K would have uncertainty of (0.02% * 80 kPa + 0.014 kPa) = 0.03 kPa. On-board barometerThe on-board barometer is used only to measure changes in atmospheric pressure to provide dynamic compensation of an absolute RPT’s atmospheric pressure offset in gauge measurement mode with PPC4E models other than PPC4E 15k.
地址:青岛市崂山区海尔路29号温哥华花园5-1-401 电话:0532-86069117 83812497 83821263 传真:0532-88786387 网址:www.3017.cn 青岛东方嘉仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号 |