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FLIR A315 f The FLIR A315 can be ordered in an environmental housing. The housing increases the environmental specifications of the FLIR A315 to IP66, without effecting any of the camera features. It is ideal when the camera needs to be installed in dusty or wet environments. The housing is available for cameras that are equipped with a 25o, 45o or 90o lens.
Users that want to build in the camera in the housing themselves or that already have a FLIR A315 that needs to be extra protected against dust and water can order the housing separately as an accessory.
GigE Vision™ standard compatibility An industry first. GigE Vision is a new camera interface standard developed using the Gigabit Ethernet communication protocol. GigE Vision is the first standard to allow for fast image transfer using low cost standard cables even over long distances. With GigE Vision, hardware and software from different vendors can interoperate seamlessly over GigE connections.
GenICam™ protocol support An industry first. The goal of GenICam is to provide a generic programming interface for all kinds of cameras. Regardless of interface technology (GigE Vision, Camera Link, 1394 DCAM, etc.) or features implemented, the application programming interface (API) will always be the same. The GenICam protocol also makes third party software being possible to use with the camera.
640x480 pixels (only FLIR A615) The FLIR A615 has a resolution pixel detector of 640x480 pixels that allows more accuracy and shows more details at a longer distance.
High speed infrared windowing (only FLIR A615) The FLIR A615 has a high speed infrared windowing option.
Image flow control Let an external signal control the image streaming.
High sensitivity < 50 mK < 50 mK thermal sensitivity captures the finest image details and temperature difference information.
Built-in Gigabit Ethernet connection Real time 16-bit image streaming to computer.
Lens (only FLIR A315) Built-in 25 degree lens with both motorized focus and autofocus. Optional lenses available. ,filr红外热像仪,
地址:青岛市崂山区海尔路29号温哥华花园5-1-401 电话:0532-86069117 83812497 83821263 传真:0532-88786387 网址:www.3017.cn 青岛东方嘉仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有 备案号: 鲁ICP备08106748号 |